Growing up, says Kendall Jenner, and her mother is her father was famous for putting his foot down, the operation was easy. "My mother was a gullible person, and my father was the tough thing," she compares the notes above, sitting basically down to a Karl Lagerfeld her, meandering all time of them have said in an interview published today strange little moderation in Harper's Bazaar magazine, which had a child on top of the map, how to be such as to trust the people in the world with their sequins. As anyone who has seen the in is "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" know until now, this is the understatement - Kris Jenner is notorious for having a hard time saying no, and Caitlyn Jenner, to draw a line in the sand is generally much cheap.
So for Lagerfeld, however:. "Since my father ... was not able to say no, I got everything I wanted when I was 20, I had a Bentley, "he revealed. It explains a lot of things. When I was a "child, I am such a head, was over spoiled," Lagerfeld, magazines by hand signal expressed as a broad gesture, he said. "My mother," You do not seem as good as I am all right. ", I would say," It sounds like something that Kris Jenner says! "When I was 6 [English, French, German, I can speak three languages, when I went to school, I like to read-only and sketch. 5:00, I wrote, did all of the things. "So, it is safe to say that similarities between the point of the end right at the center Kendall of the things that have the Bentley-type vehicle in the 20-year-old his childhood is.
2 was also linked through the importance of sleep and chic looking to go to the night of the ceremony. "When I wake up, so I take a bath, I do not have a child to take a shower at night," Lagerfeld said. "Then I, in the most beautiful Egypt antique sheet of cotton in the world go to bed," but a little different for each of Kendall, the same thing is basically:. "I took a shower, the shower that I take . live it for then I, upon entering the comfortable clothes go to bed "But, then Lagerfeld, I took it to the next level:". You are impeccable, even if I always, you, you can always go to bed that you must have been told as a child by my mother that you have to be impeccable, "he said. never so 1 is 1-up, Kendall," you, you will appear in your dreams when you know that they say go to bed because you do not know, dress your best clothes. ", Wearing comfortable clothes that can not be added ... your best dress. Ken, got it!
After all, Kendall, "comfortable", there is a serious fan of all things: "I am most days do not care what I wear," she said. "You can find me almost everyday yoga pants, T-shirts, sneakers. Because my job is to wear a nice something when I work, I enjoy doing it. I even when the do not have, I'd wear just comfortable something rather. "
She (love you "!. I was caught in a traffic jam of LA, I miss it.") When she is not in Los Angeles for some reason, she went on to say that you miss the traffic, the total Beliebers yourself and Kanye West as outed:.! "I will go to come was Justin Bieber concert the other night ... of course, I have a fever because he is a really good friend of the family, we went to all support him. Kanye was two nights in a row. I he received a huge fan I shock. he has a lot of fun, around the entire night I danced to. "
Lagerfeld, about her speak yoga pants of them (Chanel is not them), or Biebs (either actually Lagerfeld speed of) did nothing there is to say about. However, he is Kendall she said that to play as a child to love an animal "veterinarian video game was quick to inform that it was not for" of him: "My one day, what of veterinary video game did not, "he professed. Yeah, Carl, we know: any kind of video game, was not in the 1930's and 40's. However, Thanks for the reminder!
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